Which types of jobs are safe for working at home? (and how to avoid being scammed)

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Online jobs open a lot of avenues to a lot of people. Many brands and companies are also outsourcing services so no matter where you are, you will still be able to work and land a favorable job.

Most just require a stable internet connection, access to a phone, and a quiet environment. But it also opens up a lot of opportunities for scammers. So are online jobs still safe now that hackers are also updating their efforts?

Yes, WFH is still a favorable and safe environment. Here are a handful of online positions you may want to venture into. Let’s also see how you can avoid being scammed of your hard-earned money. 

remote jobs

Customer Service Assistant

A CSA is one of the more open opportunities for a lot of people nowadays. There are also entry-level posts that fresh graduates can apply for. 

Being one requires you to be the face of the brand. While this can sound intimidating, this can often be done in a WFH situation. Tasks are often handled via phone, messenger, emails, and social media platforms, making it a more amiable working condition.  

Some of the tasks of a CSA include answering queries and questions and handling complaints. You might also be asked to sell products and services. 

Depending on the scope of the work, it can be a light duty or a very challenging one. 

And since this job entails interacting with people of various backgrounds and personalities every day, you have to have a cheerful and amiable disposition. Having keen attention to detail can also help you resolve complaints easier woot escalating it to the higher department or your supervisor. 

This work also allows for more flexibility and a lot of room for opportunities and growth.  


This is a job post that requires you to transcribe recorded dictation into written form. Being an attentive listener and having a keen understanding of proper grammar and spelling are just among the factors that one has to possess to succeed. 

It can be an easy task such as transcribing notes in a meeting. But it can also require specific knowledge. Say for medical transcriptionists. You have to have a deep understanding of medical terms to be able to translate recorded audio to written form without errors and at a faster pace.


More than just writing content, copywriters are responsible for writing text and captions for promotional and marketing materials. And even in this day and age of artificial intelligence, this is still a thriving career. ,

They differentiate themselves from content writers or online writers. Copywriters don’t just write, they create compelling content for brands. It is a very essential part of the marketing efforts of a company. These contents are often shorter than an entire article, but they have the power to strike the chords in the reader’s heart. They know how to catch and retain a potential client’s attention. 

Copywriters must be very creative and quirky. They can think outside the box and can launch a few paragraphs that can launch a brand so to speak.

Content Writer

What differentiates a content writer from a copywriter?  

Copywriters create content for marketing efforts, these are often short but have very powerful words that can make you look twice. These contents often lead to a call to action to persuade clients to engage in business with them.

Content writers, on the other hand, write longer content relevant to a business or a brand. They also have to be creative as they need to create content to pique the interest of the readers. These are just more on the subtle side.

Copywriters can also be content writers. But not all content writers can succeed as copywriters, this arena requires a more creative thread of thought.

That’s why more people might find content writing tasks more available avenues for online work. The need for content writers is also high, but more people are looking into exploring it, thus the competition can be quite challenging. 

Technical writer 

We have dedicated a separate category for technical writers since this type of content writing warrants the need for a different breed of writers. More than just writing content for a technical matter, they should be professionals in the subject matter that they are writing.  

These can be quite hard to understand and as a technical writer, it will be your duty to expound this content into more easy-to-understand articles aka layman’s terms. So if you are not a professional in the subject, you have to have a deeper knowledge and understanding of it. This Is the only way you will be able to translate the techy information into a simpler yet cohesive article that people from all walks of life may be able to understand. 

Social media manager

A lot of brands are persevering for a stronger online presence. In this digital world, everyone mostly transacts through social media platforms, hence the need for people to manage a brand’s page.  

Social media managers are tasked to create content that is relevant to the brand’s mission and vision. These posts should also be compelling and interesting enough to pique the reader’s mind and compel them to act on availing of a service or a product. They can also answer client queries through various social media platforms.

Aside from being a creative writer, social media managers must also have a hand in marketing and advertising. They should be able to analyze trends and interpret analysis to come up with a more strategic plan. 

Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistant job opportunities are at an all-time high. A lot of brands and companies are outsourcing this position, so having a good internet connection, access to emails and phone, and a quite conducive environment can set you up for this career. 

They have tasks similar to secretaries in an office setting. VAs are responsible for assisting their clients in any administrative tasks, such as scheduling appointments, sending out invoices, answering emails, and arranging travel itineraries. 

With this wide scope of duties and responsibilities, you have to be very organized and have knowledge of using administrative tools and systems. 


This task entails one to have a keen attention to detail and a deeper understanding of grammar and language. Porffreders review and correct the spelling, grammar, punctuation, and even tone of writing content before it goes into publishing.

Some proofreading job posts may require a degree or specialization that is specific to the industry. While some may entail the assistance of AI to correct content. It is unlikely to completely replace human proofreaders, especially if it entails a specialized subject such as law. 

Though content writers and copywriters can also be proofreaders themselves. It also depends on the requirements of a business or a brand. 


As with working from home, homeschooling is also becoming a permanent option open to many. Thus themed for online tutors, even teachers. This position requires specific knowledge of a certain subject matter since you will be tasked to prepare the students for exams and help them with academic challenges. 

Sometimes having a deep understanding of the subject is enough, say if you’re tutoring teens or young adults. You don’t need to have a Ph.D. in the said field to be hired. Some can even be working students who just have to have a higher intellectual capacity and can help students understand complex ideas.  

Search engine evaluator

This is also referred to as a web engine evaluator. These people have the primary task of understanding and interpreting search engine results. One has to be able to analyze if a specific content advertising effort is relevant to the success of a brand or business.  

You have strong analytical skills to be able to succeed in this field. Having a strong drive for research and being tech-savvy can also help tremendously. You also have to have a deep understanding of the measurable values and metrics.

This is a highly flexible post and you can work either independently or be hired within a company. Many are seeking the assistance of search engine evaluators to ensure that their digital marketing efforts will be of no fail.  

How to prevent being scammed if you are working online 

Now more than ever, there are plenty of scammers lurking online and waiting for their next clueless victim. And to prevent being victimized, here are some precautions, especially now that your bread and butter is the web. 

  1. Don’t reply pop up ads, unknown emails, and messages on social media

If you have received an unexpected email from an unknown source, there will be more of it. For instance, emails regarding credit reports.are becoming prevalent. These can also be in the form of pop-up ads or messages on Facebook or Instagram. This requires you to log onto a form to get your credit score evaluated. And this is also one of the ways hackers can get access to your personal information and use them for fraudulent activities.

While filling up forms online has been a norm you have to be careful. If it comes all of a sudden and sounds off, it’s to contact the brand or company that it claims represents it. 

  1. Stay informed on the latest scams and cyber security threats

Being in the loop on the latest trends and cyber attacks will arm you with sufficient knowledge. If you have an idea of how they operate, how fake emails look like, and how fake business calls may sound, you’ll be one step ahead of the game. 

Avoid being the next victim by being attentive to what’s happening in the digital world, both the good and the bad. 

  1. Use strong passwords 

This and avoiding using the same password for all of your online accounts. Should one be compromised, you will not be left empty-handed at least.  

Hackers are also becoming more efficient in cracking weak passwords. So never use ones that bear your name, birthdate, or any obvious relevant information. It also helps if you use two-step authentication, this acts as an additional layer of protection.  

  1. Be wary of new website addresses

If you have come across a new unfamiliar website, have your alert up on high. Scan all the words and the logo, and if something seems off, it must be fake. Hackers use small deviations in spelling, words, and logos. So if you’re not that keen, you might fall into the trap of a fake phishing website.  

  1. Watch out for opportunistic clients

While these people have a real need for your services and products, they might want to try it for free at your expense

Here are some signs that can spare you from that.

One, if the offer or the rate seems too good to be true, then it could be very good maybe. White it’s true that niches may grant higher pay than others, if it’s significantly higher and may seem unreal, trust your instincts. You can also do a background check on the brand/ client and do research before engaging in business with them.

Two, always engage in business within reputable platforms. And if a client urges you to do transactions and payments off the platform, this is a red flag. Never give out a task or article for free, even if it’s a trial one. And if they ask you to pay a certain fee before engaging your services, it is almost always a scam.

Stay Safe working while working from home

There are a lot of thriving jobs online and you have avenues to progress and succeed. Even from this type of setup, you can find progress and growth. We have mentioned several positions that may be able to suffice your need for this and, of course, to pay the bills. 

Working from home has a lot of perks. You get more flexibility on how to spend your time, more freedom to wear casual clothes and less money and time spent on traveling. It also comes with cons such as being scammed by unscrupulous clients or hackers. So avoid being conned by taking the necessary precautions. 

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