Social Media ManagerWFH

The Disadvantages of Social Media Management

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You can generate buzz and awareness for your brand through social media platforms.

From creating compelling content, and curating a relevant social media calendar to using relevant hashtags, there are plenty of avenues available online. Thus you need to manage your pages so that you can best utilize the available resources.

It’s not always as smooth as butter on warm toast on a cozy morning. Socal management can be very effective but there are also tradeoffs.  Let’s discuss some of the cons of social media marketing.

Bad Bits of Social Media Management

Knowing what to expect can help you be better prepared in case an online crisis happens. And these are some of the cons of social media management.

It can be time-consuming

Curating a social media calendar is not a walk in the park. A brand’s social media content must resonate with its mission and vision. So aside from being creative and inventive, posts should be relevant and consistent.

But it’s not just about letting all those creative juices flow out, there has to be proper planning and allocation of resources at the same time. Without these, it can be quite overwhelming and can be a waste of creative ideas and resources.

Intensive planning and organizing posts will require a lot of time from your end. From creating a creative and relevant social media calendar, allocating resources to implement efforts, to answering queries and questions of clients on social media, it can be quite a full-time job.


Also, ensuring that all queries are responded to promptly is one of the keys to maintaining clients and keeping them coming back for more. So every concern must be responded to in a very timely manner.

And if you don’t have the necessary resources, you can find it challenging to measure the impact of your campaign.

There will be negative feedback 

Social media is a very efficient and effective way of getting your message across. It can help you establish an online brand presence without having to leave your desk.

So while positive feedback can spread like wildfire, so can negative remarks and comments.  Damaging reviews can quickly spread online which can affect your brand’s positioning. In line with this, effective social media crisis management and proactive reputation monitoring are crucial in managing the inevitable effects of negative reviews.

So it will also boil down to allocating more time to make sure that you are in the loop on what clients and people are saying about your brand, this entails intensive research.

Online embarrassment is also lingering on the sidewalks. There is a high potential for misinformation, so you have to be vigilant and proactive.

People can be quite discerning and can keep a close eye on both the good bits and the bits on social media.

There can be things, phrases, photos, or even words that some groups of people can find very offensive. So social media managers should always be careful about what they post on their brand pages to avoid being entwined in an awkward and embarrassing online situation.

But you also have to keep in mind that you cannot please everybody, there will always be someone who has something bad to say to you about you, regardless of what you do. But addressing the issues and concerns in a very timely manner can speak a lot about you and your brand.

Frequent Changes in platform algorithm

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms can quickly change and update their algorithm. And this can affect the reach and visibility of your organic content.  These changes can negatively impact your brand.

That’s why it’s important to be updated and in the loop on the latest platform changes so that you can maintain visibility and engagement with your target audience.

Limited attention span vs info overload

Social media has made it possible for every brand to build a strong online presence. And with every individual scrolling their phones a couple of times a day, there can be too much information. An overload of these can be your enemy.

Take it to the test. When one is using the internet, there are over 400 to 1000 ads that can appear in a day.

With this huge number of marketing efforts from all brands, it can be overwhelming. And capturing the attention of your target audience can also be very challenging, you will be in a very competitive arena.

That’s why you need to be able to cut through all these noises. How? By creating more compelling and visually appealing content.

The results are not instant

Social media campaigns require constant work. The results are not instant and you have to be consistent with your efforts.

Though a viral post can speed up things, it does not work that way. You have to post more than one cohesive and creative content. This can over time determine the overall success of your campaign and this often requires a few to several weeks of wait.

They can rely heavily on ads

Advertisements on these pages can be one of the few ways these platforms make money. So you have to have a budget for these.

For instance, you have to shell out moolah to boost your posts so that you can reach more people.

You can set a specific amount depending on the duration and the reach. You can start with a minimal fee like a dollar, but the more you spend, the higher the reach and the more successful your campaign will be.

Social Media Management is Still King


Despite the drawbacks, social media management is still one of the most effective ways to be able to reach your target audience and make your online presence strong.

So if you are not doing much with your social networks, your campaign can suffer.  Some brand owners also function as their own social media managers.

But if you do not have the time, the creative juices, and the necessary resources, you will not be as effective as someone who has the necessary aspects to run and maintain a successful campaign online.

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