Customer Service Representative

Do customer service representatives like their job?

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Customer service reps play an essential role in the success of any company, business, or brand. Having great communication skills is one of the prerequisites. And if you’re a people person this can be an ideal fit.

Engaging with diverse customers daily may seem like a dream job for extroverts and those who are social butterflies. But it’s not all sunshine and daisies. Even the most outgoing folks may have to put on that happy mask occasionally.  

There are challenges too. And this leads us to the question above. Do they truly love what they do?

There are  a lot of ups and downs

It’s soon becoming apparent that many folks in the workforce may not truly enjoy what they do. Though there may be a handful that find this a rewarding job, there are those who may actually  loathe it. 

And here are some of the reasons why it might be hard to be happy.

Let’s take a look at what can keep CSRs from truly enjoying their job. 

You become the shock absorber

Since you are the face of the brand, you often become the first person clients talk to whenever they have queries or complaints.

The number of complaints can drain the happiness out of you especially if you’re dealing with irate Karens. Be it personal or via phone, it can be exhausting to put on a professional and helpful front when you just want to retaliate to uncanny and sometimes hurtful words.  

Non Stop calls and high volume of inquiries


It’s not just complaints that can make you unhappy in your work, the multitude or volume of inquiries you get in a day can too. You may just be sitting by your desk in an airconditioned or comfortable room, still, some find the workload too much. 

Then there’s the language barrier

Dealing with irate clients is one, but dealing with irate clients you can’t understand is on a whole new level. 

Even if it’s just a query, the language barrier is a real thing. This makes it extra challenging to help out people, you must have that patience and innate desire to be of service to others to make things happen. 

Though this can also be rewarding once you can pull through, it can be draining for some. 

So is it a bitchy job?

You may encounter a lot of people saying that this can be a bitchy job. While it’s not entirely true, it is not half wrong either. It boils down to weighing the pros vs the cons.

The answer actually depends on what brand /company you are working for. And how the company treats its workforce will dictate how people respond to this question. 

Also, this is not a job that everybody will enjoy. Being a CSR means you have to have higher emotional intelligence so that you can empathize with others.  Once this happens, you may be able to pacify irate clients and think of a more viable solution to help them without all the shouting and cursing.  

It can also be rewarding if you are the type of person who likes to solve problems too. And this can also pave the way for bigger opportunities as you climb the corporate ladder.


But also, you can quickly go from being happy to being frustrated in a flash. Depending on the mood of the last person you have spoken to,  your answer to the question n above can change dramatically.

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